
The Role of Real Estate Finance in the Development of the Saudi Economy:


This article aims to explore the role of real estate finance in

Developing the Saudi economy through a practical case study and analysis of the impact of real estate finance on the Kingdom’s economic growth. We will review a case study showing how real estate finance affects several aspects of economic development, including:

1. Stimulating Economic Activity:

We will analyze how real estate finance can stimulate economic activity by increasing investments in the real estate sector and creating new jobs in construction and real estate development.

2. Improving infrastructure:

We will examine how sustainable real estate finance can contribute to improving the Kingdom’s infrastructure, including building homes, residential communities and public utilities.

3. Industrial Sector Support:

We will analyze how real estate finance can support the industrial sector by financing commercial and industrial real estate projects, contributing to increased competitiveness and industrial development.

4. Improving living:

We will study how real estate finance affects the improvement of the standard of living of Saudi citizens by providing suitable and affordable housing options.

5. Environmental sustainability:

We will address how to use real estate finance to enhance environmental sustainability by supporting eco-friendly real estate projects and stimulating innovation in this area.

By examining this situation, we will be able to understand the vital role that real estate finance plays in the development of the Saudi economy and how this role can be strengthened to achieve the goals of sustainable and economic development in the Kingdom.